Official Connacht GAA Website

Official Website of Connacht GAA

Club Coaching Structure

The club coaching structure should work in the following way:

Club Coaching Committee
Consisting of the Club Coaching Officer and one member of each team, U-8 to Senior.
Coaching Officer
He/She relays information from the County Games Manager and County Coaching Committee to the Club.
Coaching Officer Description
Club Coaches
Coach the various teams in the Club

The Club Coaching Committee will promote best practice and agree on a programme/structure for the club under the following headings:

  • 1. Nursery Programme
    • Fundamentals coaching for U-6 age group
    • Training of coaches/parents in Fundamentals area
    • Creation of a 40 minute Fun Do coaching sessions for this age group
    • Organise the required Gear, equipment and facilities

It’s important that the structures you put in place are related to your club and how it wants to move forward over the coming years. The Coaching Committee group should have a vision, be committed, have perspective, and at all times create an environment which is welcoming, safe and enjoyable to participate in.

Club – Tutor Mentor Programme

Over the last few years the Connacht G.A.A. have been recruiting and developing GAA Tutors. We now have 57 Tutors actively engaged in the delivery of the Coach Education programmes.

All of these have undertaken extensive training in the various different areas of coaching and have been responsible for the delivery of the Foundation Level, Award 1 and Award 2 GAA Coach Education courses throughout the Province.

They have an intimate understanding of all aspects of coaching an d as such are an invaluable resource for the Association. It is with this in mind that we are proposing and promoting the Club/Tutor Liaison project and that 2015 will be the pilot year.

The programme will consist of 3 visits by the Tutor to the club. The first visit will review what is ‘Best Practise’ in coaching, in areas such as club coaching structure and systems. It is envisaged that the tutor will act as a facilitator for all the club coaches at this initial meeting. The second and third visits to the club may be of a practical nature where the Tutor will deliver a coaching session or mentor a session.

It is probably more beneficial if the club and the tutor decide the agenda for the follow up visits.


All of our Connacht Clubs will get the full list of Tutors on application. To apply, the Club Secretary or Coaching Officer must cont act the Chairman of their County Coach Education Committee and identify whatever tutor t hey wish to invite. In the Pilot year we have asked all our tutors if they can provide 3 clubs with 3 visits.

For more information contact John Tobin, Provincial Games Manager,