Official Connacht GAA Website

Official Website of Connacht GAA

Development Grant Process

CLG Club Infrastructure Grant Application procedures:


The CLG Club Infrastructure Grant are available to clubs to that undertake development of their physical infrastructure. These grants are only available to clubs that have their facilities vested in the GAA.

Grants are awarded under the following headings

  1. Land Purchase
  2. Initial Grass Pitch Development and/or Full size Artificial Pitch Development(including Pitch enclosure)
  3. Pitch Re-development(Levelling/Drainage) & small scale Artificial Pitches
  4. Dressing room Complex
  5. Covered Stand
  6. Floodlighting-

(note: recommendation for Floodlighting to be a minimum 300 lux and to be LED)

  1. Ancillary facilities incl. Dugouts, Goalposts, Fencing, Scoreboard, Gyms, Car Parks, Grass Cutting Machinery & Medical


Clubs should be mindful of the following procedures when applying for Club Grants.

  1. The Club completes the application form, (available from, in consultation with the County Safety and Facilities Officer and forwards it to the Secretary of the County Safety and Facilities Committee together with the following supporting documentation.


  • 3 copies of Declaration of Trust, (draft available from Runaí Contae).
  • Certified Evidence of Claimed Costs.
  • Copy of Club’s most recent Audited Accounts or Club Treasurer’s report certified by County Officers.


  1. In the case of an application for Purchase Grant where it is not possible to have the Declaration of Trust completed at the time the application is made, approval may be given on the following condition:
  • that the Club’s Solicitor submits a “Letter of Undertaking”, (draft available from County Secretary), to the effect that the Declaration of Trust will be furnished as a matter of urgency.
  • That the Undertaking will be honoured not later than six months from the date on which the “Letter of Undertaking” is submitted to the Provincial Council, (see No. 7(d) under).
  1. The County Safety and Facilities Committee considers the application and checks that it is properly documented.

On being fully satisfied with the application, the County Safety and Facilities Committee certifies the Application form and forwards the Application form and supporting Documentation to the County Secretary for endorsement.

N.B. If the County Safety and Facilities Committee receives an application which is not properly completed or documented, the entire application should be returned to the club pointing out why the application is not in order.

  1. The County Secretary endorses the Application form, retains one copy of the Declaration of Trust and forwards the form and remaining supporting documentation to the Secretary of the Provincial Council.
  2. The Provincial Council appraises and, where appropriate, inspects the project in respect of which grant aid is sought and, on being fully satisfied that the application is in order, approves the grant.
  3. The Provincial Council will on receiving evidence of completion of work and of actual final cost issue, on behalf of Central Council and Provincial Council, appropriate payment.
  4. Conditions:
  • Grounds must be vested in the G.A.A.
  • Trustees must be appointed in accordance with Rules laid down by the Association.
  • Purchase Grant applications must be lodged with the appropriate Provincial Council within one year of date of purchase.
  • In the case of Purchase Grant, where approval was given on the basis of a “Letter of Undertaking”, payment of grant will be made only on submission of Declaration Of Trust as prescribed at No. 2 above.



Closing date

All Club applications to be forwarded to your County Safety & Facilities Officer on or before Friday 16th August 2024.



Checklist for application- documents required

  • Is club vested – supply copy of deed of trust
  • Full details of the project
  • Evidence of Planning Permission (if required)
  • A most recent set of Annual Accounts as presented at your last AGM
  • Financial Projections
  • Evidence of Lotto/Sports Capital approval, if granted
  • Letter of approval for bank borrowing, if necessary
  • Up to date tender document
  • County Board Approval
  • Engaged with Club Compás programme
  • Completed Club Safety Statement
  • Evidence of Permission for the Approval for Purchase/Development granted by Co Board, Connacht Council and NFMC
  • Supporting documentation of a financial nature: including invoices (not statements or copies of cheques) detailing the nature and vouching all expenditure amounts claimed.


Download Grant Application form here: Club Infrastructure Grant Application Form