Official Connacht GAA Website

Official Website of Connacht GAA

Traffic Light System

Traffic Light system for club coaches:

This is used when players move from one coaching team to another. In order to keep the player pathway model going with a club, communication of player skill development between coaches is of paramount importance. Therefore, the following model is a tool necessary to have in your club:


Traffic light system of player development

RED: Player is in the beginner phase of skill (0-5 on profile scale)

Beginner Phase-Player is just beginning learning about a skill and is very much in the high mistakes period of learning. The coach needs to be focused on spotting and fixing and showing a high level of encouragement and support to the player.


ORANGE: Player is in the learning phase of skill (6-10 on profile scale)

Learning Phase – player has got the basics of how to perform the skill, can do it without pressure and is starting to see improvements in their ability to carry it out. The coach is very important within this phase in encouraging practice of the skill and challenging the player to go beyond their comfort zone.


YELLOW: Player is in the learned phase of skill (11-15 on profile scale)

Learned Phase – Player is able to carry out the skill under pressure and at a good intensity. They are becoming confident in their ability. The coach must put the player into situations that are highly challenging and test the players limits with skill.


GREEN: Player is in the automatic phase of skill (16-20 on profile scale)

Automatic Phase – Player carries out the skills without having to take time to think in extremely high-pressure situations. They’re not fazed by high level intensity from opposition and are calm under this pressure. The coaches’ job here is to keep challenging the player through questioning about different situations that occur in the game and how to use skill to create openings in through use of skill.


It is important to understand that players can move through these phases quickly with certain skills but may take an extended period of time with others. After injury or time away from the game a player may move back a stage. With certain skills ie. solo, a player can be automatic on one side such as right foot, but learning phase on other side left foot.


Traffic Light System Section