Official Connacht GAA Website

Official Website of Connacht GAA

Player Capacities

Player Capacities covering Child (4 -11 years), Youth (12 – 18 years) and Adult (18+ Years)

The Player Development Pathway is subdivided into a number of strands:

  • Child (age 4 – 11)
  • Youth (age 12 – 17)
  • Adult (age 18 years +)
  • and Retirement.
Each strand contains a number of stages:

  • 3 within Child,
  • 3 within Youth
  • 2 within Adult.
Child Player Capabilities (4 – 11)
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
4 – 6 7 – 9 10 – 11
Youth Player Capabilities (12 – 17)
Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
12 – 13 14 – 15 16 – 17
Adult Player Capabilities (18+)
Stage 7 Stage 8
18 – 21 22+

The capacities within the Player Development Pathway are divided into a number of categories as follows:

  • Technical Proficiency
  • Tactical Prowess
  • Team Play
  • Physical Fitness
  • Psychological Focus
  • Participant Feedback
  • Fair Play
  • Lifestyle
  • Personal

Child Player Capacities (4 – 11)

Stage 1: Player Capacities (4-6 years of age)

Technical Proficiency

  • Develop bilateral coordination incorporating CPKST (catching, passing, kicking, striking with a body part and equipment and Throwing).
  • Develop the basic motor skills relevant to learning the technical skills of the game of Hurling and/or Gaelic Football.
  • Use of basic equipment such as bean bags, various balls, bats, hurleys etc.
  • Use appropriate footwear, clothing and protective equipment

Tactical Prowess

  • Develop basic decision- making in relation to where, when and how to gather possession and where, when and how to release possession.

Team Play & Tactical Ploys

  • Develop a basic sense of game and movement concepts e.g. cooperative, small sided, invasion games

Physical Fitness

  • Develop fundamental movement skills of Agility, Balance and Coordination (ABC) and Running and Jumping Techniques (RJ) through short games and activities.
  • Develop an understanding and appreciation of (Gross) movement and mobility
  • Using ABC’s, develop basic joint e.g. shoulder, core, spine and ankle mobility and stability.
  • Develop multi-directional and segmental (leg/arm) speed.

Participants Feedback

  • Develop basic awareness of performance through feedback from play and from the coach
  • Develop basic awareness of performance through outcomes e.g. targets, scores, numbers etc.

Psychological Focus

  • Develop a positive attitude to self, sport and participation
  • Develop confidence in all relevant aspects of player development, with a particular emphasis on the fundamental movement skills, basic motor skills and bilateral coordination.
  • Build concentration through active engagement in games and activities
  • Develop concentration
  • Develop composure through dealing with distractions
  • Develop commitment through a determination to practice and master the skills
  • Develop the ability to respond to feedback appropriately

 Fair Play

  • Develop an understanding and appreciation of the simple rules and ethics of sport
  • Demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship.


  • Live an active life through engaging in a variety of physical activities and sports
  • Develop awareness of factors that affect personal safety and the player’s role in the safety of others
  • Develop intrinsic motivation through practice at home particularly in relation to technical proficiency.
  • Develop an awareness and understanding of drinking regularly during exercise and eating healthy, nutritious food.
  • Use appropriate footwear, clothing and protective gear


  • Be open to and contribute to the enjoyment/fun
  • Develop a positive attitude
  • Develop teamwork, interaction and social skills and the ability to contribute to the social organisation of games and activities with friends and peers.

Youth Player Capacities (12 – 17)

Stage 4: Player Capacities (12-13 years of age)

Technical Proficiency

  • As an individual, perform the skills of Hurling/Football in a closed environment
    • From imaginary, to stationary, to while moving (walking to jogging to running)
  • Further develop and consolidate the skills of Hurling/Football incorporating team mates and/or opponents.
    • Non-pressurised to pressurised
    • Adaptation of skill performance in response to the environment

Tactical Prowess

  • Develop relevant decision making in a variety of positions

Team Play & Tactical Ploys

  • Understand the fundamental principles of attack and defence
  • Creating and Denying Space
  • Develop communication and support play skills through pre defined patterns of play e.g. open play and set piece play
  • Be able to react and adjust to appropriate patterns of play based on environmental situations e.g. how many players aside
  • Understand positional awareness

Physical Fitness

  • Further develop fundamental movement skills of Agility, Balance and Coordination (ABC) and Running and Jumping Techniques (RJ) through games and activities utilising more sports specific skills (Throwing, Catching, Passing, Striking and Kicking)
  • Continue to develop speed, agility, power and endurance through fun games
  • Continue to engage in basic resistance exercises using body weight activities and age appropriate equipment.
  • Develop and maintain flexibility (mobility)
  • Continue to use ABC’s to develop basic joint e.g. shoulder, core, spine and ankle mobility and stability
  • Develop the routine of warming up in preparation for activity and cooling down post activity
  • Get sufficient sleep for full recovery
  • The emphasis for the player at this stage is age appropriate, balanced (left & right), general physical conditioning through games related activities.
  • Develop multi-directional and segmental (leg/arm) speed (through activities of no longer than 5 seconds in duration complete recovery)
  • Develop functional control, stability and range of motion through the major joints.
  • Develop functional strength through body resistance exercises, emphasising technique, pre Peak Height Velocity (point during puberty where growth tempo is greatest)
  • Maintain flexibility through static stretching and dynamic mobility activities (Pre PHV)
  • Learn basic running technique.

Participants Feedback

  • Continue to develop the capacity to self evaluate performance through feedback
  • Be able to evaluate performance of opponents in order to enhance individual action/reactions (the decision making process)
  • Informed participation through awareness of personal strengths and challenges

Psychological Focus

  • Develop balanced motivational, attitudinal & self confidence skills
  • Utilise short and medium term participation based goals
  • Begin to develop imagery skills that uses the senses to aid technical proficiency and increase self confidence
  • Be aware of physical cues that trigger the psychological traits of patience and control, e.g. developing routines
  • Players develop physical (eye contact) and mental tools (cue words) to aid in maintaining  concentration at times of activity and rest
  • Players develop positive reinforcement through self-talk

 Fair Play

  • Adhere to the guidelines of the GAA Respect Initiative & Code of Behaviour
  • Develop an understanding of controlled aggression
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate with officials, players and management in a non-confrontational manner
  • Further develop knowledge and appreciation of the rules of Hurling/Football


  • Understand & appreciate the correlation between playing Gaelic Games and a healthy life style
  • Understand and appreciate strategies to facilitate rest and recovery
  • Develop an understanding of the implications that positive nutritional habits and appropriate hydration practice can have on performance


  • Develop the skills to be able to integrate oneself and all members of a squad in all aspects of team activity
  • Understand the varying degree and rate of change that puberty will bring in an individual context
  • Encourage and support team mates
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate with coaches, players and officials in a positive manner

Adult Player Capacities (18 – 21 years of age)

Stage 7: Player Capacities (18-21 years of age)

Technical Proficiency

  • Continue the refinement of skills to achieve autonomous performance in match conditions

Tactical Prowess

  • Display the ability to alter decision making in real time to respond to oppositional, situational, environmental, and risk management factors
  • Refine the ability to create and/or deny time and space through individual decision making

Team Play & Tactical Ploys

  • Refine the understanding of team play principles
  • Understand the various systems of play that exist
  • Function effectively in a variety of systems of play

Physical Fitness

  • Maintain and improve, where possible, physical capacities with a view to maximising individual and team performance
  • Be functionally capable to perform resistance training exercises

Participants Feedback

  • Utilise performance analysis techniques/tools to inform performance development and games  strategies
  • analyze and interpret feedback in order to put in place a strategy to improve key areas for development
  • Employ performance analysis techniques to allow focus on areas of individual development

Psychological Focus

  • To develop personal routines to enhance psychological focus
  • Utilise well developed, refined and individualised mental skills and routines
  • Continually review, and where necessary adjust, short, medium and long term goals to ensure performance standards

 Fair Play

  • To have an understanding that players are role models and should act as such
  • Players will continue to show respect for match officials, coaches, team mates, spectators and opponents
  • Players will continue to play in a competitive manner while always facilitating an environment where their safety and the safety of others is paramount
  • Be aware of the GAA social media usage guidelines


  • Refine knowledge of Lifestyle and its implications on performance i.e
    • Rest and Recovery
    • Injury reduction strategies
    • Player diaries
    • Nutrition/hydration/supplements
    • Appropriate life and sporting balance


  • Full integration of sport, career and life goals
  • The ability to priorities each of these when necessary