Connacht GAA Launch Scór Strategy for 2016

Connacht GAA Scór Strategy 2016
On Tuesday evening Connacht GAA launched a new Scór strategy for the province at the Connacht GAA Centre. Carole Coleman, RTE, was special guest on the night and she carried out the role of Bean an Ti at the event. Performers from across the province entertained the mant in attendance on the night. Mick Rock, resident of Comhairle Connacht, launched the initiative on the evening.
Connacht GAA have developed a new strategy to improve participation in Scór, the organisation’s principal vehicle for the promotion of Gaelic culture, within Connacht. Arising from the National Scór Forum called together by GAA President Aogán Ó Fearghaíl, the Connacht Scór Strategy 2016 was devised in a collaboration between the Connacht GAA Scór Committee and the Officers of the five County Boards within the Province. The strategy comprises of twelve agreed actions which are aimed at increasing participation within Scór and promoting the activities and competitions of Scór.
The twelve agreed actions are;
- That the County Board in each county would contact each Club Chairperson in their county with a view to identifying persons in each club area who might agree to promote Scór activities. Such persons would not necessarily be club officer.
- Clubs would be encouraged to select an Oifigeach Cultúra agus Teanga and that it is not necessary for the person selected to attend Club meetings except where Scór matters were to be discussed.
- A similar approach to be adopted at County level.
- Each county to host one or more information/training nights for Scór Officers and interested parties.
- Each county to promote the 20/16 Campaign i.e. that a minimum of 20 clubs at Scór na nÓg and 16 at Scór Sinsir would participate in a Scór event during 2016
- Each county to promote The Song for 1916
- County Board Chairmen to present awards at County Finals
- Scór participants to be used at Inter-county matches and County finals
- Counties to support the Launch of Scór Chonnacht 2016 on Tuesday November 3rd by attendance and providing performers.
- Counties to encourage clubs to host a Culture Night under the Scór banner at least once annually.
- Counties would collect a minimum levy of €50 per club to be used for the promotion of Scór activities with the counties.
- That each County would host a draw for a set of Club Polo Shirts for clubs that would enter 3 items in Scór na nÓg and 2 items in Scór Sinsir.
The Provincial Scór contacts are
Connacht– Aodán Ó Braonain 085-1073320
Galway– Michael Monaghan 087-6813370
Leitrim– Claire Crossan 087-6472547
Mayo– James Gibbons 087-6346423
Roscommon– Tom Murray 086-3853804
Sligo– Keith Henry 086-3357182