Role of the Parent
Parents and guardians have an influential role to play in assisting and encouraging their children to fully participate in Gaelic Games, whether by playing our games or attending training or coaching sessions.
The ethos of volunteerism forms the basis of our community. Our players are children, our coaches are volunteers and our referees are human. We all have a duty to act as role models for our children as they enjoy Gaelic Games.
- Complete and return the annual registration/permission and medical consent forms for their child’s participation in the Club.
- Inform the Coaches, and any other relevant Club personnel, of any changes in their child’s medical or dietary requirements prior to coaching sessions, games or other activities.
- Ensure that their child punctually attends coaching sessions/games or other activities.
- Provide their child with adequate clothing and equipment as may be required for the playing of our games including for example helmets, shin guards, gum shields etc.
- Ensure that the nutrition/hydration and hygiene need’s of their child are met.
- Show approval whether the team wins, loses or draws a game.
- Never attempt to meet their own needs and aspirations for success and achievement through their child.
If a parent has any issues to raise regarding their child’s participation or performance in a team, they may raise this with the team coach. But should do so in a constructive and non-confrontational manner and not in the company or vicinity of young players or other parents.
Complaints about the conduct or practice of a coach should be brought to the attention of the relevant Club or County Children’s Officer.
Be an active member by participating in Club activities.
- Showing appreciation to volunteers, coaches and Club officials.
- Attending training and games on a regular basis.
- Respecting the rights, dignity and worth of every person and by treating each one
- Not entering team dressing rooms unless deemed necessary by the team coach(es) so as to protect the privacy of other underage players